The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the first and last line of defense against those who seek to cause the planet harm. Originally composed of Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, the roster grew over the years.
First, the team disbanded, then a few years later, began treating being apart of the Avengers like a full-time job (see 2015’s Age of Ultron). Eventually they found themselves divided over the Sokovia Accords and wound up coming to blows.
It wasn’t until several years later that they reassembled to fend off Thanos and his forces. But after Avengers: Endgame, the team has been MIA, having lost Steve, Tony, and Nat, with the rest going their separate ways. But one question had been on fans’ minds since 2019: Are the Avengers, as an organized team, still in operation?
Feige Provides an Avengers Status Update
Speaking on stage at D23 Expo today while announcing the Thunderbolts lineup, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, via DisneyExaminer, confirmed that the Avengers don’t currently exist in the MCU following the events of Avengers: Endgame: “Just because there isn’t an organization like the Avengers anymore, but we now have The Thunderbolts.”
Furthermore, Captain America himself, Anthony Mackie, added that the previous Avengers heroes are “all… unemployed” while speaking in an interview with Variety that took place after the presentation:
“All of the Avengers are unemployed. We have a new and improved group. No, they’re over there with their Metamucil and, y’know, hangin’ out. Y’know, we’re the new guys… We’re the top dogs now.”