( One Piece Finally Confirms ) One Piece’s author Eiichiro Oda finally answered one of the biggest questions that fans had about his record-breaking manga, concerning Zoro and his family that spawned countless theories. Through the SBS (Q&A section) of volume #105 of One Piece, Oda confirmed that Zoro is indeed a descendant of the Samurai of Wano. ( One Piece Finally Confirms )
In the SBS of volume #105 of One Piece, shared and translated by many online sources, including Artur – Library of Ohara, Eiichiro Oda takes the chance to clarify once and for all Zoro’s ancestry, revealing that he is, indeed, a descendant of the Shimotsuki clan from Wano. Shimotsuki Kouzaburo, a legendary swordsmith who forged Oden’s sword, Enma, left the secluded land of Wano 55 years before the current events in the series, with a group of 25 people. Among them was Shimotsuki Furiko, the elder sister of Shimotsuki Ushimaru, who would later become the Daimyo of Ringo and die fighting Kaido after his takeover of Wano. After arriving in East Blue, ten people from Kouzaburo group settled there and founded Shimotsuki village. Furiko married a fellow Wano native called Roronoa Pinzoro. They gave birth to a son, Roronoa Arashi, who married a woman from East Blue and became Zoro’s father. ( One Piece Finally Confirms )
Eiichiro Oda Confirms That Zoro Is a Descendant Of The Shimotsuki Clan From Wano ( One Piece Finally Confirms )

Fans always suspected that Zoro could have a connection to the land of Samurai, and these suspicions grew even more after Yamato’s flashback revealed the aspect of Shimotsuki Ushimaru, who looks identical to Zoro. Another flashback then revealed that Kouzaburo lived in Zoro’s village and gave him his first swords, unleashing all sorts of theories and speculations. However, Oda said that, while there was definitively a story about Zoro’s past, he was probably not going to address it in the manga. In fact, despite being one of the best arcs in One Piece, Wano left fans disappointed for not addressing the mystery of Zoro’s connection with Ushimaru and his ancestor, the legendary samurai Ryuma, known as “the god of the blade”.
Zoro actually met Ryuma, or rather his corpse, in Thriller Bark, where he had been reanimated by Gecko Moria’s powers to serve as one of his zombie generals. After being defeated by Zoro, Ryuma gave him his sword, Shisui, which the Straw Hat dutifully returned to Ryuma’s grave in Wano. This revelation of Zoro’s family tree makes the character even more interesting. Zoro is not only the great-nephew of Ushimaru, one of the last Daimyo of Wano, and a direct descendant of the legendary Ryuma, but he is also a distant relative of Kuina, his childhood friend whose tragic death inspired him to become the strongest swordsman in the world.
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Zoro’s Ancestry Shows That Destiny Is A Powerful Force In One Piece

It is understandable that Eiichiro Oda decided to leave Zoro’s family backstory out of the manga. One Piece is currently in its final saga, and there is already a huge number of plot threads, mysteries to unravel, and characters taking part in the action. Considering Zoro’s personality, and the fact that his parents died when he was young, he must be completely unaware of his heritage. However, destiny is a powerful force in One Piece, and thus Zoro got the chance to meet his legendary ancestor and also free his country of origin from Kaido’s tyranny, fulfilling his duty as a descendant of the Shimotsuki clan. ( One Piece Finally Confirms )
All the volumes of One Piece are available from Viz Media.
Source: Artur – Library of Ohara.