Marvel Cinematic Universe star Simu Liu gives a positive update about Shang-Chi 2. One of the new heroes that joined the MCU in Phase 4 was Shang-Chi. While his film debuted during the global pandemic, it was one of the highest-grossing films of 2021. Liu was tapped to bring the iconic Marvel hero to life, and his journey has only just begun.
While a Shang-Chi 2 sequel was greenlit, there have been no updates for quite some time. Liu recently spoke to Collider, where he gave a brief Shang-Chi 2 update. The MCU actor is excited about exploring “new sides” of his character. Liu also shared hopes that Shang-Chi 2 will be able to bring back Michelle Yeoh, stating the following:
Going into a sequel feels exciting. It doesn’t necessarily feel like there’s a pressure to perform or a pressure to exceed. It feels like we’ve established a world and there’s just something really nostalgic and exciting about returning to that world that we’ve spent so much time ideating on and thinking about. And then, we’re getting to revisit some things, but also show the viewer new things. We’ll deliver all of the amazing action that we were celebrated for on the first movie, but then also hopefully explore new sides of Shaun’s character and the characters around him. That is, of course, if we can still afford Michelle Yeoh. She’s on top of the world and just the queen of everything.
Everything We Know About Shang-Chi 2